Jul 302010

We found this hospital in a small north-western city in the United States.  It was an absolutely amazing find.  I have explored a few hospitals over the years but I have never seen one that was still so equipped.  The kitchen was fully equipped – same with the surgical and obstetrical areas.  The place was incredible. 


We unfortunately had to keep moving as we had so many miles to cover and due to the fact that we weren’t parked in a great location and were concerned about being caught. . We are planning a return trip in the near future where we will hopefully have more time to see the rest of the location.  We only scratched the surface but saw some of the best areas.


So stay tuned for further updates on this location.
Hospital X

Hallway near the Morgue at Hospital X

Hospital X

Treatment room near the admissions area with a lot of the original equipment still in place.  Very little vandalism in this location which is nice to see.

Hospital X

Autoclaves in this room used to sterilize surgical instruments

Hospital X

The entrance to the surgical areas of the hospital.  Included a operating rooms and scrub up rooms for the surgeons.

Hospital X

View down the hall in the surgical area

Hospital X

Scrub up sinks for the operating rooms

Hospital X

A birthing table in the labor room.  The hospital had a obstetrical area that was as large as the surgical area.  It had 2 labor rooms.

Hospital X

This weird metal frame device was in the one operating room underneath the fully intact surgical light.

Hospital X

For viewing Xrays also intact

Hospital X

The body fridge in the morgue.  Room for two.

Hospital X

Myself checking out the body fridge in the morgue

Hospital X

The kitchen was absolutely full of equipment.  I couldn’t help but wonder why it was never sold off.  Typically commercial grade kitchen equipment is easy to sell.

 Posted by at 14:55