Mar 122010

In Saskatchewan we have a statutory holiday in February called Family Day.  We have only had it for a few years and I have used it the past couple years as an excuse to get out and take some photos in the winter. 

This year we decided to visit the Forgotten Mine even though we have thoroughly seen the facility on more than one occasion.  We were driven to see it again after losing 2 rather decent mines in the past 2 years.  Over the past 2 years The Prairie Sulphate Mine has had all of its equipment removed.  Also in 2009 we lost Ormiston Mining and Smelting  (See Ormiston on SaskUrbEx) .  We were happy to find that not much had changed out there since our last visit.  Only time and the elements have taken its toll on this place.  Enjoy the photos.

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

Forgotten Mine

 Posted by at 09:38